Thursday, January 12, 2012
Jack's Lego Mini-figure Shadow box
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
So I can complain for one post, right? I had a long day and haven't felt all that great. I am sick of Reagan's late nights teaching, being tired all the time, and bedtime struggles. I don't really want to think about starting it all over again tomorrow. I would just like one day off please. Any advice, encouragement, smack talk, rolling of eyes is welcome. Here's hoping tomorrow is a good one!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Day 3: Disney's Hollywood Studios

Good Morning Gmama! We are ready to go to Disney Hollywood Studio's!

Here is a pic of Daddy's 5 favorite things!
Michael's favorite part of the backlot tours. He still loves airplanes!
Here are our 4 favorite villians!
This was my favorite part of the day. Sam did not want to let go of the Blue Power Ranger!

Charlotte was a little scared meeting this pink power ranger. Now I know why people wait forever to meet Characters. They are awesome!
I wish these guys were available for Birthday Parties!

Hanging from trees is serious business.
Climbing on a giant ant is also very serious business.
The Buzz Lightyear Ride was super rocking!!! Our Favorite! Everyone got to go and we tried to shoot as many 3D targets as possible. Sam even got it!
Nothing like a little brotherly competition!
Of course the girls rocked it!!!
I love how cool Sam looks in this pic.

They'd be a little more manageable if they were really this small.
I have long arms and these are cute babies!
I loved meeting up with the family while we cruised the park. What a fun vacation!

Mad Moop. It's frustrating and yet strangely reassuring to know that even Disneyland couldn't shake Charlotte's TUDE!
Here's a pic of the "Red Shirts" from the stage after I was picked as an extra on the Indiana Jones Stunt show! I was terrified once I got up there when I realized I could barely hear what they were telling me to do with all the background noise going on! But it was worth it to see the show close up and not have to hold a squirming baby! I met Indiana Jones and he was so good looking. I don't think I have ever met such a good looking person before. Except for Reagan of course.
Here's all my new BFF extra's!

Sam was such a good napper!!! We wore him out!
Lollipop plus Star Wars equals heaven!
Jack's got his sidekick and they both have attitudes!
Can you see Reagan's eyes begging for us to go home? HAHAHAHA
It was getting hot so we splurged on overpriced mickey ice cream. It was way worth it!
The little kids finally got to pick an activity and we all enjoyed the Playhouse Disney show. It made all the hours of annoying cartoons at home worth it as the kids knew all the words to the theme songs. HA
This is probably my favorite shot of the kids...all the bright colors and they all sang the Little Einstein's song. Precious.
I had a great time taking the boys on Star Tours on my own. It was just like when I was a kid.
We rushed over the the Aerosmith rocking roller coaster ride and Michael refused to go on! Jack and I loved it while Michael waited in the gift shop. They both got light up Drum Sticks when we finished. What a great day!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Day 2 of crazy fun at Disneyworld! Here we are all ready for a fun day at The Animal Kingdom.

At the entrance there were some workers showing some cool animal stuff. Jack really liked the shedded skin of this big tarantula!
The Safari was the first ride and we got on with the entire family! We had fun watching a rhino run, cheetahs and lions snoozing, giraffes and african cattle things graze and even chased some poachers and helped save a plastic baby elephant! The kids and grown-ups loved this one.

There is Conner being an awesome cousin! Our kids had so much fun with their cousins and the older ones helped out soooo much. It's amazing how much they've changed in the last few years!

Jack conquering a fallen foe.

I love this shot on the way out of the park!

A rare pose from party girl.
Casey turned 1 today and had a fun birthday dinner at Chevy's. I don't think there could have been a better 1st birthday than this day!
And Reagan's favorite moment of the day was definitely watching the WVU game in the quiet of the condo.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Day 1: Magic Kingdom
Here's my first blog in the new year! Will someone please tell me how to make the pictures and text do what I want!!! I guess you'll have to put up with an ugly blog for a while! We had such a great time at Disneyworld! There were 26 six of us Big Red Shirted Mounts and we took over the Magic Kingdom!

I don't know how we got the kids to hold still before they went on a single ride, but we snapped up this cute shot and I am glad we did. It was a super gorgeous day!
This is pretty much how the day went...lots of red shirts on kiddie rides, having a good time!

You can see all our names on the back of the shirts!
We took a little bread from the crowds and climbed the Tree house while Sammy slept. Love how cute Casey is!!! Such a happy boy! Our family trip to Walt Disney World was awesome! Before we left, G mama asked Charlotte if she was excited to go to Disney world and she said, "Yeah, Mommy is bringing cheese!!!" We were up early everyday and played as hard as we could! The cousins loved hanging together and Sam even got a 2 hour nap in the stroller everyday. Impressive! This is our first day and we went to the Magic Kingdom. We had fun on Thunder Mountain, Splash Mountain, Small World, and Peter Pan. We loved the 4D Mickey Mouse show complete with smells and water! On our long wait for the teacups, Charlotte decided she wanted to go to the mall and play on the soft toys. UGH! We hit some Pirates of the Caribbean and then some late night Space Mountain. Jack hated the ride and said on the way out, "I want to be out of here instantly!" The kids got a bunch of Christmas money from all their Grandparents and got to pick out fun toys. The big boys picked riffles and handguns and Charlotte and Sam got some Light up Mickey toys. It was fun to see the Castle light up with all the Christmas lights. We had a fun and exhausting first day!
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